

1 10代での結婚は、知られている中で離婚のリスクが最も高い要因である。


  • 年齢カテゴリーをどう構成するか、結婚後何年間を対象期間とするかによって、20代以降に結婚した人に対する10代で結婚した人の離婚のしやすさは、2倍から3倍の幅がある。T. C. Martin and L. Bumpass "Recent Trends in Marital Disruption," Demography 26 (1989): 37-5. 政府による最近の研究だと、18歳未満で結婚した女性の59%が15年以内に離婚するか別居している。20歳以降に結婚した女性の場合だと36%である。National Center for Health Statistics, Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the United States. (Hyattsville, MD: Department of Health and Human Services, 2002), http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_23/sr23_022.pdf

2 将来の結婚相手を見つけるのに最も有効なのは、家族や友達や知人からの紹介である。


  • Edward O. Laumann, John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, and Stuart Michaels, The Social Organization of Sexuality (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1994) pp. 234-5.

3 価値観や背景や人生の目標が互いに似通っている夫婦ほど、結婚生活がうまくいく。


  • Finnegan Alford-Cooper, For Keeps: Marriages that Last a Lifetime (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1998); Judith Wallerstein and Sandra Blakeslee, The Good Marriage (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1995); Jeffry H. Larson and Thomas B. Holman, "Premarital Predictors of Marital Quality and Stability," Family Relations 43 (1994): 228-237; Robert Lauer and Jeanette Lauer, "Factors in Long-Term Marriage," Journal of Family Issues 7:4 (1986): 382-390.

4 女性の場合、未婚の母でない方が、その後結婚できる確率が有意に高い。


  • Gayle Kaufman and Frances Goldscheider, "Willingness to Stepparent: Attitudes Toward Partners Who Already Have Children," paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, 2003. Available at (http://www.asanet.org/convention/2003/program.html). アフリカ系米国人のおかれている状況についてはOrlando Patterson, Rituals of Blood: Consequences of Slavery in Two American Centuries (Washington, DC: Civitas, 1998): 72-76.

5 女性でも男性でも、大卒者は、教育水準がそれ以下の人よりも、結婚しやすく離婚しにくい。


  • Joshua R. Goldstein and Catharine T. Kenney, "Marriage Delayed or Marriage Forgone? New Cohort Forecasts of First Marriage for U. S. Women," American Sociological Review 66 (2001) 506-519; Elaina Rose, "Education and Hypergamy in Marriage Markets," (Seattle, WA: Department of Economics, University of Washington, 2004). Available at http://www.econ.washington.edu/user/erose/hypergamy_v2a_paper.pdf

6 婚前の同棲は、「お試し期間」として有効であるとはいえない。


  • See discussion in Claire M. Kamp Dush, Catherine L. Cohan, and Paul R. Amato, "The Relationship between Cohabitation and Marital Quality and Stability: Change Across Cohorts?" Journal of Marriage and the Family 65 (August 2003): 539-49. 同棲経験と結婚生活の破たんのリスクとの関係についての研究を概観したものとして David Popenoe and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, Should We Live Together?, 2nd Ed. (New Brunswick, NJ: The National Marriage Project, Rutgers University, 2002). See also William G. Axinn and Jennifer S. Barber, "Living Arrangements and Family Formation Attitudes in Early Adulthood," Journal of Marriage and the Family 59 (1997): 595-611; William J. Axinn and Arland Thornton, "The Relationship Between Cohabitation and Divorce: Selectivity or Causal Influence," Demography 29-3 (1992): 357-374; Robert Schoen "First Unions and the Stability of First Marriages," Journal of Marriage and the Family 54 (1992): 281-84. しかし、結婚しようと思っている相手との同棲では、離婚リスクは上昇しない。

初めて同棲した相手と結婚した夫婦の場合、同棲と婚約が直結しているのである。See, for example, Jay Teachman, "Premarital Sex, Premarital Cohabitation and the Risk of Subsequent Marital Dissolution Among Women," Journal of Marriage and the Family 65 (May 2003): 444-455; Susan L. Brown and Alan Booth, "Cohabitation versus Marriage: A Comparison of Relationship Quality," Journal of Marriage and the Family 58 (1996): 668-678.

7 結婚すると収入や財産が増える。


  • Thomas A. Hirschl, Joyce Altobelli, and Mark R. Rank, "Does Marriage Increase the Odds of Affluence? Exploring the Life Course Probabilities," Journal of Marriage and the Family 65-4 (2003): 927-938; Lingxin Hao, "Family Structure, Private Transfers, and the Economic Well-Being of Families with Children," Social Forces 75 (1996): 269-292; Jeffrey S. Gray and Michael J. Vanderhart, "The Determination of Wages: Does Marriage Matter?," in Linda Waite, et. al. (eds.) The Ties that Bind: Perspectives on Marriage and Cohabitation (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 2000): 356-367; S. Korenman and D. Neumark, "Does Marriage Really Make Men More Productive?" Journal of Human Resources 26-2 (1991): 282-307; Joseph Lupton and James P. Smith, "Marriage, Assets and Savings," in Shoshana A. Grossbard-Schectman (ed.) Marriage and the Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003): 129-152; K. Daniel, "The Marriage Premium," in M. Tomassi and K Ierulli (eds.) The New Economics of Human Behavior (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995) 113-125.

8 既婚者は独身者や同棲者と較べて、感情的にも肉体的にもより満足度の高い性生活を送っている。


  • Linda J. Waite and Kara Joyner, "Emotional and Physical Satisfaction with Sex in Married, Cohabiting, and Dating Sexual Unions: Do Men and Women Differ?," in E. O. Laumann and R. T. Michael (eds.), Sex, Love and Health in America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001): 239-269; Edward O. Laumann, John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, and Stuart Michaels, The Social Organization of Sexuality (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1994).

9 両親が離婚した家庭で育った子供は、自分自身が結婚する確率が少し下がり、結婚した場合離婚する確率がかなり高まる。


  • Jay D. Teachman, "The Childhood Living Arrangements of Children and the Characteristics of Their Marriages," Journal of Family Issues 25-1 (2004): 86-111. ある研究によると、妻だけが離婚家庭出身の場合、離婚のリスクは5割以上(59%)増大するが、夫婦とも離婚家庭出身の場合は、離婚リスクが3倍近くになる(189%増)。Paul R. Amato, "Explaining the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce," Journal of Marriage and the Family 58 (August, 1996): 628-640. また別の研究によると、両親の離婚を経験した人自身の離婚率が高いことの主な理由は、結婚というのは生涯続けるものだという規範意識が比較的弱いことにあるという。Paul R. Amato and Danelle D. DeBoer, "The Transmission of Marital Instability Across Generations: Relationship Skills or Commitment to Marriage?" Journal of Marriage and the Family 63 (November, 2001): 1038-1051. 結婚相手の選び方と結婚生活がうまくいくかどうかの関係についての研究を概観したものとして、Jeffry H. Larson and Thomas B. Holman, "Premarital Predictors of Marital Quality and Stability," Family Relations 43 (1994): 228-237. 離婚家庭出身者の結婚率が低いことについてNicholas H. Wolfinger, "Parental Divorce and Offspring Marriage: Early or Late?" Social Forces (September, 2003): 337-353.

10 大部分の人に関して言えば、離婚のリスクは50%よりもはるかに低い。


  • 離婚に関するリスク要因と離婚率の変化についての一次資料として、Jay D. Teachman, "Stability Across Cohorts in Divorce Risk Factors," Demography 39 (2002): 331-351; Tim B. Heaton, "Factors Contributing to Increasing Marital Stability in the United States," Journal of Family Issues 23-3 (April, 2002): 392-409; 研究の概観としてJeffry H. Larson and Thomas B. Holman, "Premarital Predictors of Marital Quality and Stability," Family Relations 43 (1994): 228-237.