- Howard H. Pattee, 1973, "Preface," in: Howard H. Pattee (ed.), Hierarchy Theory: The Challenge of Complex Systems, George Braziller, pp. xi-xv
- Herbert A. Simon, 1973, "The Organization of Complex Systems," in: Howard H. Pattee (ed.), Hierarchy Theory: The Challenge of Complex Systems, George Braziller, pp. 1-27
- 飯田泰之,2007,『考える技術としての統計学――生活・ビジネス・投資に生かす』,NHKブックス
- はじめに(pp. 3-5)
- 第1章「統計的思考とは何か」(pp. 13-39)
- 第2章「「平均」による情報縮約――戦略的行動を導く」(pp. 41-74)
- 第3章「「比較」による状況判断――合理的意思決定を目指す」(pp. 75-114)
- C. S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Harper
- Chapter 16 "What Happened about the Statues" (pp. 167-177)
- Clifford Grobstein, 1973, "Hierarchical Order and Neogenesis," in: Howard H. Pattee (ed.), Hierarchy Theory: The Challenge of Complex Systems, George Braziller, pp. 29-47